china's one-child policy to end [BE 10]

blog #10 

china's one-child policy to end
by: Steven Jiang

October 30th, 2015

While no longer enforcing the one-child policy, China will continue to maintain methods of population control, by limiting the allotment of children per family to two. While the methodology may seem beneficial, as China's population has been rising almost exponential in the past several years, and the country is taking a heavy toll, enforcing the law has resulted in many being faced with either abortion, heavy fines, or forced sterilization. 


While the country has recently begun to roll back to policy, its impact is going to be hard to undo. China currently has the world's most elderly population, and the nation as already begun to feel the burden in regards to dependency on heath care and social services, for less children are being born and the economy is slowing its growth. While world population growth is ill managed and causing resource management issues globally, such a method clearly is ill-suited for the long term.
