blog #11
five things we have learned from the IPCC report
by: Matt McGrath
October 8th, 2018
Global warming as progressed so much in the past several decades to the extent that to limit its increase to less than 1.5 degrees will be impossible. The first peoples/regions to be impacted by this will be those living on small islands, for as the ice caps melt, sea levels will rise. While half a degree does not seem to be significant, (the debate within the report is whether global temperate should be allowed to rise past 2 degrees above pre-Industrial times or attempt to stop it at 1.5) global mean sea level would raise 10cm more at a 2 degree increase, could result in 10 million people loosing their homes.

"The report says that carbon will have to be sucked out of the air by machines and stored underground, and that these devices exist already."
"Billions of trees will have to be planted - and people may have to make hard choices between using land for food or using it for energy crops."
To counteract the rapid increase in global warming, individuals must change their relationships with energy usage, land use, cities, and industry. Every individual is essential to helping the cause.
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